Starting a New Club

Starting a New Club

Starting a New Club

Create a Toastmasters Club! Now what?

The process of forming a Toastmasters group is simple. Local leaders in Toastmasters will guide you through the process and help you set up a demonstration meeting. To charter a club, you’ll need a minimum of twenty members who want to improve their communication and leadership skills.


  • One-time chartering fee to organize a club: $125

  • New member fee, which includes materials per person: $20

  • Six months’ membership dues per person: ($60 Intl + the Club Dues)

    Note: The new member fee and the six-month membership due might vary from country to country.

Please write to our Club Growth Director:

Please take note of the following information regarding the Chartering Process:

All PDF documents for the chartering process are editable. We suggest that you fill in all the information you can to avoid misunderstandings due to handwriting. You may check your club number here.

Charter Forms Checklist.pdf – A document to help you check.

To begin the chartering process, you must submit Form 1 – Application to Organize a Toastmasters Club, a comprehensive application to request the chartering of a new Toastmasters club. Please ensure that all the information is correct.

You must also fill out Form 2 – Charter Payments, which includes the payment method and considers the charter and membership fees. The Club President and Secretary need to sign the document, along with the person responsible for the credit card. 

Form 3: Charter Member Application is the PDF you must fill out for each member and have them signed by a club officer. You do not need to fill in the dues and fee section or the Payment Information as this is a Charter, and all the necessary information will be in Form 2 – Charter Payments.

Form 4: Charter Club Officer Information requires the club to provide information about the seven persons with the officer’s roles during a year or half-year mandate.

Form 5: Club Information requires additional information regarding the club to be in Toastmasters International records. It needs to be signed by a club officer, preferably the President.

Form 6a – Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International is the club constitution that needs to be signed by the club. The club needs to fill pages 1, 7, and 8. The Club President needs to sign page 1, and the Club Secretary needs to sign pages 1 and 8.

Form 6b – Addendum of Standard Club Options is an optional form you can complete to specify the choices it has made to govern its operations.


Finally, please submit Members_List.xlsx, an Excel file with all members’ information to facilitate the validation process by our Colleagues in the U.S.

If you are chartering in September or March (the last months of the dues renewal periods), you may wish to submit membership dues amounting to USD 60 per person. Therefore, the extra USD 10 per person will pay the prorated renewal dues. By doing this, your club will not have to collect dues from each member twice in two months. Please note: All payments must be in U.S. dollars.

Send all documents to

If you are an enthusiastic Toastmasters and will to open a new club, have a look at the video:
