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COT Division-A Area-3

The Club Officer Training (COT) event for District 109 Division-A Area-3 is on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 6:30 PM Central European Time (CET). The training session will be held in District 109, Division A, Area 3, and will entail comprehensive training on Digital Marketing, Conflict Resolution, and Member Resolution.

The COT training program is specifically for club officers with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively and improve their clubs’ performance. To achieve this, the training will focus on the Distinguished Club Program, which recognizes clubs that have done well in various areas such as membership, education, and leadership.

In addition, one of the key areas of focus will be digital marketing. Participants will learn how to leverage digital tools to promote their clubs and events. Moreover, conflict resolution training will help club officers understand how to handle conflicts within their clubs, while member resolution training will equip them with the skills to address member issues.

Overall, the COT training promises to be a highly informative and engaging event. Therefore, all club officers must attend to gain valuable insights that will help them improve their clubs’ performance.

Register at https://forms.gle/b3c8bJPUpRJA4AvLA

Division A Area 3 Clubs:

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