Benefits for Mentors


There are some essential characteristics mentors need to possess if they are to be effective. A good mentor is:

What are the responsibilities of a mentor in the Toastmasters Club?

1. Available – Try spending 15+ minutes per week guiding members with speeches and questions. It is essential for new members who need extra help to understand the club and their role.

2. Patient – Mentors should provide the necessary guidance to help their mentees learn at their own pace.

3. Sensitive – Be tactful and diplomatic. Moreover, encourage and motivate your mentee while being loyal and maintaining confidentiality.

4. Respectful – Everyone is different. A skilled mentor recognizes and honors the unique differences between themselves, their mentee, and others involved in the mentoring process. Acknowledging and valuing these differences is crucial in fostering a positive and fruitful mentoring relationship. By embracing and celebrating diversity, mentors can create an environment encouraging growth and personal development for themselves and their mentees.

5. Flexible – Only some things happen according to plan. Furthermore, a mentor should adapt to various situations and accept that mentees may make decisions they disagree with.

Some more Benefits for Mentors

6. Supportive – Show your pride in your club and what it has done – and can do – for members.

7. Knowledgeable – To mentor effectively, you must know the club, its operations, the educational program, and Toastmasters International. Moreover, you should have experience giving speeches, serving in meeting roles, and developing strong public speaking skills.

8. Confident – Regarding mentors, you want someone with self-confidence and a friendly personality. Indeed, that’s the winning combination!

9. Good listener – A mentor must listen carefully without addressing the problem. This helps the mentee articulate and sort things out.

10. Concern for others – Finally, a true mentor demonstrates an unwavering commitment to helping others with genuine care and concern for their well-being.

Benefits for Mentors – For more detailed information use the Toastmasters Mentoring Guide

Would you like to become a mentor?

Benefit for Mentors

Mentoring benefits both you and your mentee:

Benefit for Mentors

You can benefit as club:
